How to Crochet Heart Amigurumi For Beginners

Crochet Little Heart

What is an even better way to show love for a dear one than this crochet heart amigurumi inspired by a heart symbol? In today’s pattern, you can learn how to crochet a basic one in the same bright red color using velvety yarn. Gift it as a lovely keychain, a gift box charm or a coziest pillow. Throughout the guide, you will be able to learn each technique used to crochet this heart if you forgot it. So, whether you are a beginner or an expert, you can follow this pattern.

Crochet Little Heart

Supplies Needed

Here is the complete list of crochet tools and materials you must gather before you start crocheting this heart pattern:

  • Yarn: Cotton or acrylic lightweight yarn. (The designer used Yarnart Jeans)
  • Crochet hook: 2mm-2.5mm
  • Black embroidery thread
  • Fiberfill
  • Stitch Markers
  • Yarn needles

Crochet heart amigurumi pattern for gift-giving

This heart will be crocheted in two halves and sewed together along height to get one heart amigurumi. Below, you will find the main pattern for this project full of affection and love:

Techniques and Abbrveiations

You will find the written pattern for this crochet heart amigurumi using abbreviations instead of full names. Below is the list of full meanings of each short-term used. You can also learn some of them or revise them from the following links.

First piece and joining

1. 6sc in MR (6)
2. 6-inc (12)
3. (sc, inc) 6 (18)
4. (5sc, inc) * 3 (21)
Cut the yarn, and crochet 2nd piece in the same way. Do not cut the yarn, join to 1st piece
5-6. 42sc (42)
7. (5sc, dec)* 6 (36)
8. 36sc (36)
9. (4sc, dec) * 6 (30)
10.30sc (30)
11. (3sc, dec) * 6 (24)
12. 24sc (24)
13. (2sc, dec) * 6 (18)
14. (sc, dec)*6 (12)
15. 6-dec (6)
Cut the yarn and fasten it off.
Wishing you a day of love!

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